Welcome to certification in evidence-based solutions for stress and productive wellbeing. Our online, fully interactive certification as a Stress & Wellness Consultant prepares you to provide training workshops, coaching / counseling, or briefings plus consulting and e-learning services. All are evidence-based and focused by Institute-proven diagnostic tools.
Known globally as “the father of the stress field”, Dr. Hans Selye’s name is synonymous with creative understanding, rigorous science, and solutions … solutions which reliably restore satisfaction, achievement and healthy balance … for individuals and for workplaces. Since its founding in 1976, the Hans Selye Foundation has continued to lead in integrating academic and practitioners’ understandings of the stressful challenges in a “Future Shock” world.
And, for the past 33 years, applied research at Dr. Selye’s Canadian Institute of Stress has translated resulting Foundation insights into evidence-based tools and know-how evaluated and refined in corporations and in clinical and coaching practices internationally.
Web-based training and certification of practitioners globally has, since 2003, accelerated scientific winnowing and confirmation of solutions warranted to bear the Selye name.
GLOBAL CERTIFICATION: Since 2003, the Institute’s web-based certification training for professionals has prepared graduates worldwide including: SOUTH to NORTH: ♦Argentina ♦Brazil ♦Mexico ♦USA: New York to Hawaii ♦Canada: Newfoundland to British Columbia ♦Iceland, and EAST to WEST: ♦Japan ♦China ♦New Zealand ♦India ♦Middle East ♦EU: Lithuania to France, Spain and Ireland.
Online certification for professionals in these solutions globally is a priority for us as we advance in the Hans Selye tradition.
We trust you will find the value you are seeking in this our flagship certification program for Stress & Wellness Consultants … SWC(c). Click on …
♦ SWC Training .. an Introduction
We look forward to assisting your success.
Contact us HERE Please include “Certified SWC” in the subject line of your e-mail.