Action focused learning objectives in five one-hour MCSS e-learning modules

1. Making sense of change, uncertainty & stress
MCSS is a series of five building-block learning modules which (i) create the insights and skills for …

Less work stress
More work satisfaction
Win-win work relationships


… and (ii) promote skills application to each participant’s “change-challenge” situations, (iii) focused within their personalized MCSS Action Plan for making work life successful, not stressful.

> Resilience & Engagement .. at work & in personal life

> Mental Health .. in action !

In Module 1, Keyed to their personal online profile, participants develop a personalized understanding of how change works … of exactly how it can impact not only our stress but also our work satisfaction, our personal and team relationships, as well as our effectiveness in doing our work. Then, by focusing on their personal early warning signs of rising stress, and next by sketching their self-portrait of their handling change well, they develop the foundation … the solid motivation they’ll need to ensure the success, the winner results we all want from our work life. All self-management skills in MCSS, while initially learned for application in on-the-job situations, are directly transferable to create success, not stress, in meeting personal life challenges too.
2. Responding successfully to change 3. Getting past stress, worry & anxiety
In Module 2, participants learn that while they rarely have as much control as they would like over their feelings or reactions to change, they can achieve much greater control by …

  • First, applying two steps that shift their mindset from the Pessimist to the Optimist view, so they can then take action to make their Optimist scenarios more actionable; and by …
  • Using the Actions-create-Feelings principle to free themselves from Victim feelings by building in motivating and achievable Winner actions daily.
In Module 3, participants learn how to get better control over their own “stress accelerator”, anytime, anywhere. They now know how to unwind at end of day, and how to stay at a stress level that’s energizing, not draining during the work day.They also learn how to use five “worry cycle” questions to reduce their stress and anxiety by at least 50% when having to deal with stressors or frustrations that “go with the territory” … both at home or at work.
4. Creating the wins of change .. for more satisfaction at work 5. Getting Engaged .. Enjoying win-win work relationships
In Module 4, participants learn how to focus on exploring, creating and then enjoying as many as possible of the new satisfactions that are available to them in their changing work and workplace.They also learn that their work satisf-action level depends, to a considerable degree, on the actions they plan and then take to turn their new work situation to their advantage. They identify their uniquely personal work satisfiers. Then, Module 4 guides them in applying three proven steps for connecting with and more fully enjoying the satisfiers available to them in their “new” situation. In Module 5, participants become even clearer and more skillful about something they already know … namely that a win-win approach with their co-workers and their boss is the smartest, most effective thing anyone can do to guarantee more “good days at work”.They learn skills (a) to avoid or defuse conflicts and misunderstandings, (b) to enjoy sharing their strengths and needs in ways which support their team’s aims, and (c) to negotiate workload assignments / requests with win-win flexibility, strengthening work relationships in the process. In closing, Module 5 brings it all together … guiding participants in developing their personalized, motivating MCSS Action Plan to fully enjoy a solidly engaged work life.


Click here to see how MCSS uses video and animation to energize participants’ skill mastery

Click here for a brief biographical sketch of your e-learning host, Richard Earle, Ph.D.